March 7, 2010

Diurnal vs. Nocturnal

Yesterday we had a technological breakthrough in the Ambrose household...we got the internet! WOOT! I am so excited to have access to the outside world. We got it so that I can get a stay-at-home job. The internet is a requirement for that. Now that we've got it, I'm going to start searching hardcore. If anybody has any ideas or leads for me, please let me know!

The latest news here is that my darling daughter became nocturnal for about a week or so. It was fantastic (spoken with dripping sarcasm). First she slept through the night for a week and then suddenly, stopped sleeping at night completely. Apparently babies go through a transitional phase every once in a while. I can't say that I enjoy them. I dealt with it pretty well for a while but after about 5 days, I had a breakdown. I was changing Lindy's diaper and she somehow had some kind of jet propelled poop. It splattered all over the wall, up over the changing table & onto our lamp and all over the clothes on the changing table. At this point I was so sleep deprived that I just couldn't handle it. Luckily my mom was actually pretty close to my house. She came over and took Lindy for the whole day so that I could sleep and even shower - something I hadn't gotten to for a couple of days. Gross. I love having family close by!

Luckily for my mental and physical safety, this only lasted a week. She is now back to normal and sleeping during the night. She's waking up about once, but I'm so happy to be sleeping at night again. Sortof. I'm still adjusting to being diurnal again & am keeping some pretty late hours.

One new milestone is that Lindy is starting to take notice of things. She's paying attention to the mobiles we've got around the house. She doesn't look at them long, but she does watch. She's also just starting to make some cute baby noises. We're still waiting for the (intentional) smiles though.

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