March 12, 2010

Date Night

Tonight my wonderful cousin, Felicia, watched Lindy and Allan and I got to have date night. It wasn't anything extravagant, but we had a good time. We went to Nickel Mania. It definitely isn't my favorite place, but I owed Allan a trip there. He recently figured out how to make going back to school possible after hitting several roadblocks. I was so proud of him for his persistence that I agreed.

Allan really likes the arcade video type games. I like the ones where you waste your nickels away quickly trying to get tickets. Needless to say, I went through all of my nickels and Allan still had about 3/4 of his so I graciously helped him use the rest of his. It definitely wouldn't be my first choice for a date, but I had a great time just being with Allan and was happy to do something that he really wanted to. I'm happy that he loves me enough to want me to join him in what he loves doing. Date nights are great.

1 comment:

Miranda said...

You gotta at least love ski-ball and the hoop shooting games :) Those are my fav. I laughed to myself when I realized that nickle-cade is primarily video games somehow I never noticed that :)That was so sweet of Felicia to babysit it's so nice you're family is so close!