November 2, 2009

Halloween Fun

I love Halloween! It's so much fun. Whoever thought of creating a night where kids can dress up as anything they want and then go knock on doors for free candy is brilliant! While I no longer go trick-or-treating, I still love to dress up. Allan isn't as gung ho about it as I am, but he humors me and plays along.

Costumes are just too expensive to buy and too cheap to be worth it anyway, so we made ours. This year I decided to use my pregnancy as part of the costume and have some fun with it. So we went as a pregnant nun and a priest. Even Allan loved it. They called him "Father Allan." How fitting.

On Friday we went to the Halloween dance and won the costume contest for the second year in a row! Go us! Then on Halloween night we went to my parents house and I passed out the candy and Allan helped Jackson, my little brother, with his haunted house that he and his friend put together. Allan was the host and just led people through it. For it being done by a couple of teenage boys and a dad, it was quite impressive. I got the grand tour before it opened and I still got scared. They did a great job!


Kate said...

This is such an awesome costume!! I new a friends daughter did this same costume when she was pregnant... but her husband didn't dress up... that is priceless that Allan did!

Liz said...

Love your costumes!!