January 14, 2010


With only 5 days left, things feel a little hectic. My nesting instincts are definitely kicking in and I've desperately been trying to get my house cleaned and put together before Baby gets here. It's hard when we can't get the baby furniture until this Saturday at the earliest. Talk about cutting it close! But at least I got the nursery all painted. I'll post pictures when it's finally done.

This morning I realized that I'm going slightly crazy when I got up at 3 a.m. because I couldn't sleep and started ironing and rearranging some furniture. I think Allan was a little bit confused when he got up and saw the room because he didn't know I had gotten up. The first thing he said to me was, "I see the nesting powers are kicking in." Hopefully they stay until it's all finished!

1 comment:

Liz said...

Wow! that is hilarious! Can't wait to see the pictures of the room. And can't wait to see the baby!! You'll be parents tomorrow!