May 10, 2010

Half Marathon

I recently decided that I'm going to run a half marathon. I've always enjoyed running, but am really bad at doing it consistently. Plus, I don't enjoy doing it by myself. My cousins told me that they are planning on running the half marathon in St. George later this year and just a couple of days later my best friend told me that she would like to do a half marathon. So I decided that I'm going to train and do this half marathon too. It'll help me get in shape and lose the pregnancy weight. I'm really excited about it.

This morning I woke up early and ran just over a mile with my cousin. It's definitely not much, but it's a start. And starting is half the battle, right? Hopefully I'll have gotten into the habit before we move so that when my cousins aren't around to keep me motivated, I'll be able to do it myself. Half marathon, here I come!

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