August 5, 2009

Another Eventful Evening

We recently had yet another eventful evening. Last week, my blood sugar went higher than it's been since I was diagnosed. I hit 589 initially. I'm not sure why this happened. By the time I realized it, I was already so dehydrated that my insulin wasn't being absorbed and I kept going higher. This high blood sugar and being dehydrated thing isn't all that big a deal to me normally. It happens a few times a year. Being pregnant changes the "not a big deal" thing quite a bit. I went to the hospital to get an IV so we could get my blood sugar down. By the time I got to the hospital I was over 600 so we were not quite as calm this time. However, this hospital was not helpful at all. They were HORRIBLE!

I explained to them what was going on and also let them know that I'm pregnant, hoping this would rush things as it makes it more dangerous. They sat me in the waiting room because they didn't have any open rooms. After being there for an hour, I was really sick & was ready to just tell them to treat me in the hallway because I had started cramping. To make things better, after going to the bathroom, I discovered that I was bleeding pretty heavily. If you don't know, heavy bleeding & cramping during pregnancy is NOT GOOD.

I ran to the front desk crying to tell the nurse what I'd just discovered. She asked me if I wanted a pad. I was so frustrated. I explained that no, I'm pregnant and I just started to bleed heavily. She very snottily said, "Well, if you're going to miscarry, you're going to miscarry and there's nothing we can do about it. Please go sit down until we have an open room." I was so shocked! I couldn't believe anyone could be that callous.

We sat in the waiting room for at least another 15-20 minutes with me crying and Allan about to blow a fuse before Allan got the idea to call the police dept. to ask them where another hospital was. Luckily he found one and we rushed over there immediately. They admitted me right away, got me an IV and gave me some insulin. As soon as my blood sugar started coming back down, the cramping and bleeding stopped. They also did an ultrasound to make sure everything was ok and sure enough, Baby is just fine.

It was quite the scare and I was pretty shaken, but things are fine now. I'm just a lot more anxious to get home to be closer to friends and family just in case something like that happens when Allan isn't around (not that I'm planning on it!) to help me out. Less than 2 weeks and we'll be back! :)

1 comment:

Shelbee said...

How scary! I can't believe the people at the hospital acted that way. That's just wrong. I'm so glad things are ok with the baby.