July 23, 2009

BIG News!

Just in case you couldn't tell by the new decor of our blog, Allan and I are expecting! Yep, that's right! I'm pregnant! As of today, I am officially at 12 weeks according to the doctor. To those of you thinking, "But, I thought you were going to wait a couple of years," our response is, "So did we!" But Baby and the Lord had a different plan. We are thrilled!

We were so scared at first because I am so high risk and so we didn't tell many people. In fact, our extended families and friends don't even know yet. However, it will be posted in my family newsletter next month and then I'll make the huge announcement on Facebook so the whole world will know. So for those of you who read our blog*, you get to know even earlier!

Yes, I'm very high risk, but I go to the doctor every single week and so far things are going great! I'm very healthy -despite being so sick & tired all the time- and the baby is doing wonderfully. We are so grateful. I'm finally getting over my morning sickness (HALLELUJAH!) and even gained my first couple of pounds this week. My doctor will be so thrilled. You now all know what was going on when I stated earlier that I started getting sick again and therefore stopped doing door to door sales. Turns out it wasn't another disease, just a parasite. ;)

It's ironic because I was diagnosed with Celiac disease only 7 months ago and my symptoms were very similar. I was ALWAYS nauseous & so tired I slept more than I was awake. But that was a bad thing. Now, whenever I'm nauseous I'm grateful because it means Baby is still there. It's amazing how things can change!

So for those of you wondering the big questions, no, we do not know if it's a boy or a girl yet. We have to wait a few more weeks. And I am due on February 1st. I've still got a ways to go, but it feels so good to know that I'm out of my first trimester! We really couldn't be happier.

*I put a hit counter on our blog so I know that people actually read it. However, I don't get any comments so I don't know who it is reading besides those who are following it. Please, please feel free to comment on this so I know who you are. :) I figure if this post doesn't get comments, none will.


Kate and Kayden said...

That is so exciting! Congrats! They are such a great joy to have!

Miranda said...

Wahooo! I'm so glad this is public news!! I am so excited to meet this little guy/gal(I'll keep rooting for you)!

Shelbee said...

Congratulations! I'm really happy for you guys. Alexis, I had no idea that you were diagnosed with celiac disease besides the diabetes. I can imagine how scary that would all be when you're pregnant. It's so amazing when you can feel them move...enjoy every minute of it!

Liz said...

Yea!!! We are so happy for you two. I hope it is a girl so that her and Abby can be friends. I'm so glad my kids will have a cousin so soon!

The Browns said...

Mike and I are so excited for the three of you! AAAAAAAAA :) Can't wait for you to come back!

Judith Coody said...

Aunt Judy