November 13, 2008

Halloween Costumes

I finally got my pictures from Halloween! Here is Little Bo Peep and her sheep. It turned out wonderfully. Mine was cute alone, but Allan totally completed it and made it a huge hit! 

Allan's costume ended up taking about 7 hours and a couple thousand cotton balls. Mine was several yards of fabric and one intense pattern. I started it at 9 p.m. the night before Halloween. Luckily, my mom was willing to help me. She stayed up until 3 a.m. to help me and I was up til 5. But look how cute it is! 

The first picture is the two of us at my office. When people saw my costume, they told me it was really cute and asked where my sheep was. I told them he'd be in later. They were all shocked and couldn't believe my husband would actually dress up as a sheep. They said it was only because we're newlyweds. I don't think so, however. I think it's because he's so chill & willing to do anything to make me happy. Isn't he wonderful?

The second picture is a close up of Allan's head. The ears are my absolute favorite so I had to take a better picture. The ears are felt that's glued on. He's so cute!! 

This third picture is the trophy we got for winning the costume contest at the Halloween dance at The Golden Skillet. It cracks me up. It's a soccer trophy with masking tape over it (my favorite part) that they got at DI for $1. HA HA!

Over all, it was a great Halloween. I'm not sure what to do to top it next year, but at least I have a whole year to think about it. I'm definitely going to get started a LOT earlier. If anyone has any great ideas, please share.

1 comment:

Miranda said...

I'm so impressed with your costumes!! I had forgotten how much you love Halloween. One of these days I've got to get you to help me with some sewing. Thanks for chatting with me on Sunday I really needed it. Love you!