June 7, 2009

Good Dancing

Last night Allan and I went dancing and it was pretty cool. We convinced Pete and Whitney and even Johnny, the sales team leader, to go with us. It was only our second week going and apparently we've already made a name for ourselves. They started playing some wicked fast music and doing a jam (a dance where only one couple is in the middle and everyone else forms a circle around) and at one point, one of the dancers there told us to go in the middle. So we did! I almost died after, but it was pretty cool that even though we'd only been there a couple of weeks, they already wanted us to go in.  Both of us also got told numerous times that we're good dancers. It was such a boost to my confidence in my dancing. Granted, Allan gets told that all the time. :) Still, it was a great experience. 


Liz said...

I'm glad you guys found a place to dance! Love you guys. Sorry to hear about your pump.

Michelle said...

I miss dancing! I'm glad you guys are still doing it!