January 7, 2009

New Year's Resolutions

I thought that I should post our resolutions for the new year, just for the record. Hopefully posting them will help us remember and accomplish them. Amazingly enough, neither of us had weight loss as a high priority, although Allan is working hard to eat better and exercise more in general. I guess we're not in the majority of Americans.

We have two goals that we are working on together.
1. Read our scriptures every single day.
2. Find the positive in everything.

The first is self-explanatory. I'm going to give an example for the second. In recently being diagnosed with celiac disease and struggling with so many health issues, it's hard to be positive. And being negative will really drag you down. So to avoid this, we're trying to find the good in EVERY situation. For the celiac diagnosis, we've decided that at least I was diagnosed with it and not Allan. It may sound strange, but it really is a blessing. Gluten-free food is so incredibly expensive. Just a normal, small box of spaghetti is about $3.50 or so opposed to the $.99 for regular noodles. So if Allan was the one with celiac disease, we couldn't afford to feed him. He eats too much. (This is NOT a fat joke nor is it poking fun at how much he eats.) Since I eat a lot less, it's affordable for us. So at least I can still eat the foods I like. See? A blessing! Hopefully we can keep this up for the whole year. Being positive makes life so much better.

Allan's personal goal is to make it to all of his classes this year. A very worthy goal indeed! I'm really hoping he follows through with it. It makes passing classes so much easier.

My personal goal was the positivity one, but I decided to include Allan in it as well because I know that I'll need the help. It's always nice to have support. 

Now that we have our goals set, we just need to figure out what our reward will be for reaching them. A BIG dance trip? A vacation back to his mission? Who knows? We'll come up with something. For now, we're just plugging away at them.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

It sounds like you guys are doing well. Good luck with your goals. Miss you!!