December 11, 2008

Wasted (No, not alcoholically)

I can't sleep at all because I feel so sick so I decided to blog. I was really good today and didn't have any gluten at all, but am still feeling awful. Luckily, my work is letting me work from home in the morning & I only have to go in the office in the afternoon. Unfortunately, I'm struggling with the getting into work part. At least I'm still getting a little bit done from home.

Tonight I took a shower and after shampooing my hair, I was so utterly exhausted I had to get Allan to help me finish by putting the conditioner in my hair & rinsing it out for me. I just couldn't do it myself. *sigh* I can't wait to start feeling better. Hopefully it'll be soon. And Allan is the most awesome person in the world. (Last sentence dictated by Allan himself as I was writing the blog. :))

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