July 6, 2010

4th of July Weekend

You've gotta love it when the 4th of July is on a Sunday because instead of just one day of the holiday, it becomes a whole weekend. And we certainly enjoyed ours. We went to the Riverton parade on Friday night with my family. What made the parade so fun was that it was all the adults who went crazy for the candy and were yelling for it and running out in the street to get it. After the parade we had a BBQ and played volleyball at my parents' house. We also did that on Saturday & Sunday too. While we played, Lindy sat in her Bumbo on the porch & cheered us on.

At the parade w/ Grandma

Lindy, Uncle Brock & Grandpa

Brock had this thing for the cows at the parade & so I had to take a picture of him with them. It was actually fairly entertaining. He also tried & tried to get a t-shirt but nobody would throw him one. It took a long time, but when he finally got one, it was WAY too small. He put it on anyway & it was a total belly shirt. It was pretty dang funny.

I had some really cute patriotic outfits for Lindy. Sadly, the only picture I got of any of them was her headband that my brother put on. He struggled to keep a straight face and we struggled with keeping the camera still enough while laughing to take the picture. It was well worth all the tries though.

On Monday we went swimming at my cousins' pool. Of course Lindy loved it. She was all the entertainment we needed. She was squealing and splashing like crazy. I told my mom to video it, but it didn't work so well. I'll just have to settle for the pictures this time. Videos to come later. Unfortunately we didn't get to see fireworks, so we'll definitely take Lindy to those for the 24th.


Miranda said...

Sounds like you guys had an awesome time! Lindy is SO adorable in her swim suit! I feel like I haven't seen you forever it's so weird. I definitely need to come out and go swimming with you guys.

The Browns said...

Oh how much fun!! Sorry we missed all the fun! :) Miss you all like crazy!