June 25, 2010


A couple of weekends ago we took Lindy swimming for the first time with her cousins. She absolutely loved it! We had so much fun watching her. She kept getting splashed and Allan even let her go completely under water. I thought she would cry, but she never did. She actually kept splashing herself and still loved it.

Because of this, we decided to put her in swimming lessons when she's 6 months old. I looked into it and found out that baby's can start that young. It's pretty cool too. They learn to just get used to the water and also how to float on their backs. So she starts in July at our clubhouse pool. I'm excited for her to start.

How cute is she in her little swimsuit?!

Our little family

With Aunt Liz and cousins Benjamin and Abby

Chillin' with Daddy

1 comment:

Liz said...

I love the picture of all of us! Can you e-mail it along with the Parade pictures? Thanks!