January 5, 2010

36 Week Update

Last post of the day, I promise! It feels like there's just so much going on! When does life start slowing down? Not anytime soon, I'm sure.

I'm now at 36 weeks and am really starting to feel it. Ok, pregnancy has actually been really easy for me and has somehow agreed with my body. I do feel huge though. My only complaint is that I'm having trouble breathing. I'm in the "stand up or lie down to breathe" phase because sitting for more than 5 minutes makes it nearly impossible. My ribs ache all the time. Other than that, I'm doing great. I know that I've been really lucky throughout this whole thing because I've had almost no side effects except feeling healthier.

I got to schedule my induction a few days ago so it is now official. Baby is coming January 18th. It's now less than two weeks away! I can't believe how close it is. I'm not sure where the time went. It's now becoming real. I'm not quite at the "Get this baby out of me!" stage, but I am a little bit more ok now with the whole thought of giving birth. :) Still nervous, but getting excited. I'm so excited to meet my daughter and see what she looks like and get to know her personality. We've had fun guessing. Allan's family all thinks she'll get my blond hair and blue eyes. My family, Allan and myself think she'll have the dark hair and hazel or green eyes. We also think she'll be like I was as a child and ALWAYS have to be active and doing something and looking around. Please feel free to leave your own guesses in comments!

My last ultrasound is this week. It's weird to think that it'll be the last time I see her in black & white. The next time will be in full color and 3-D! Exciting. I'm hoping she'll be pulling faces again. The last time, her tongue was out almost the whole time. It was cute, but I'm thinking she's got an attitude now. Scary! But my tongue was out in almost all of my baby pictures and I turned out ok, right? So it can't be that bad. ;)

For those wondering, we don't have one set name picked out. Allan wants to wait until he sees her to pick one, which I'm 100% ok with. However, if I send myself into labor during the Lindy Exchange (Yes, my Dr. gave me permission to go and dance my little heart out - I love him!), her name will definitely be Lindy. Otherwise, we'll just see.

1 comment:

Liz said...

It's getting so close! One week! I'm so excited to meet her. Your Christmas tree looks great! I even see the ornament I got you guys last year. :) Anyway, glad allan put his foot down about sledding. ;) But yes we deffinately have to take the kids next year. Your little one can even use Abby's snow pants and boots!