August 5, 2009


Our friend Bags had this on his blog and I just had to steal it. I couldn't stop laughing at it because it's exactly how I feel right now.

Allan and I recently found out that we will not be able to move back into the house we were living in before moving to TX. We now have less than two weeks to try to find a place to move into. The problem with this is that we have no idea of what we're going to do exactly. We have no money and we also don't have jobs to come back to, so we're not sure how to pay for the rent. Needless to say, we're totally stressed about it. We do have my family though who are going to let us stay with them if need be until we can find our own place and get jobs.

Because were were on a month to month deal, we've never had to sign a lease. (I've decided that school housing contracts are different because you KNOW you're going to be there for the whole semester.) So while I don't ususally think of Batman, this comic still expresses my feelings exactly. Sometimes I don't like having to be a responsible adult.

Allan was going to go back to school, but with a baby on the way and rent being a lot more expensive, he's going to have to work full time. The problem with this is that he's got some government loans and if he doesn't go back to school, we'll have to start paying those off and that doesn't help either. He was going to work full time during the day and do night classes, but they don't offer any night classes in his major. STRESS! So he's now looking into changing his major. You might think this just adds to the stress, but I'm pretty excited about it. I think any other job will pay more than a teacher. I know. My dad is a teacher. :) He's now looking into becoming an electrician, which he's always had some interest in. I think having a family is just pushing him to it more. We'll see how things turn out. Like I said, we've got less than 2 weeks to get things figured and planned out as school starts then. *sigh*

If anybody knows of any *CHEAP* housing in the SL valley (preferably Murray to Sandy) or good jobs, please let us know!

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