August 14, 2009

It's A Girl!

We just found out this morning that we are having a girl. We are SO excited! We were totally shocked when the technician told us. We were both so sure that we were having a boy. The doctor had to actually point it out to us because we just couldn't believe it. We are absolutely thrilled! We were both hoping for a girl. Allan because he loved having an older sister and therefore wanted a girl first and me because we couldn't agree on any boy names, otherwise I wouldn't have had a preference.

It now seems so much more real. Now I feel like we can really start planning. We can start thinking about names and maybe decorate a nursery in our new apartment and I can start buying baby clothes! Ok, I only want to go buy a little dress or something, just because I can now that I know.

I'm starting to think that Allan is more excited than I am though. After the doctor's visit, I had to take Allan to the military unit. When I went to pick him up, he asked me to bring the pictures from the ultrasound. He took them around and showed everyone around unit. I thought it was darling. He's so proud! I think this little girl has got him wrapped around her little finger already.

August 5, 2009


Our friend Bags had this on his blog and I just had to steal it. I couldn't stop laughing at it because it's exactly how I feel right now.

Allan and I recently found out that we will not be able to move back into the house we were living in before moving to TX. We now have less than two weeks to try to find a place to move into. The problem with this is that we have no idea of what we're going to do exactly. We have no money and we also don't have jobs to come back to, so we're not sure how to pay for the rent. Needless to say, we're totally stressed about it. We do have my family though who are going to let us stay with them if need be until we can find our own place and get jobs.

Because were were on a month to month deal, we've never had to sign a lease. (I've decided that school housing contracts are different because you KNOW you're going to be there for the whole semester.) So while I don't ususally think of Batman, this comic still expresses my feelings exactly. Sometimes I don't like having to be a responsible adult.

Allan was going to go back to school, but with a baby on the way and rent being a lot more expensive, he's going to have to work full time. The problem with this is that he's got some government loans and if he doesn't go back to school, we'll have to start paying those off and that doesn't help either. He was going to work full time during the day and do night classes, but they don't offer any night classes in his major. STRESS! So he's now looking into changing his major. You might think this just adds to the stress, but I'm pretty excited about it. I think any other job will pay more than a teacher. I know. My dad is a teacher. :) He's now looking into becoming an electrician, which he's always had some interest in. I think having a family is just pushing him to it more. We'll see how things turn out. Like I said, we've got less than 2 weeks to get things figured and planned out as school starts then. *sigh*

If anybody knows of any *CHEAP* housing in the SL valley (preferably Murray to Sandy) or good jobs, please let us know!

Another Eventful Evening

We recently had yet another eventful evening. Last week, my blood sugar went higher than it's been since I was diagnosed. I hit 589 initially. I'm not sure why this happened. By the time I realized it, I was already so dehydrated that my insulin wasn't being absorbed and I kept going higher. This high blood sugar and being dehydrated thing isn't all that big a deal to me normally. It happens a few times a year. Being pregnant changes the "not a big deal" thing quite a bit. I went to the hospital to get an IV so we could get my blood sugar down. By the time I got to the hospital I was over 600 so we were not quite as calm this time. However, this hospital was not helpful at all. They were HORRIBLE!

I explained to them what was going on and also let them know that I'm pregnant, hoping this would rush things as it makes it more dangerous. They sat me in the waiting room because they didn't have any open rooms. After being there for an hour, I was really sick & was ready to just tell them to treat me in the hallway because I had started cramping. To make things better, after going to the bathroom, I discovered that I was bleeding pretty heavily. If you don't know, heavy bleeding & cramping during pregnancy is NOT GOOD.

I ran to the front desk crying to tell the nurse what I'd just discovered. She asked me if I wanted a pad. I was so frustrated. I explained that no, I'm pregnant and I just started to bleed heavily. She very snottily said, "Well, if you're going to miscarry, you're going to miscarry and there's nothing we can do about it. Please go sit down until we have an open room." I was so shocked! I couldn't believe anyone could be that callous.

We sat in the waiting room for at least another 15-20 minutes with me crying and Allan about to blow a fuse before Allan got the idea to call the police dept. to ask them where another hospital was. Luckily he found one and we rushed over there immediately. They admitted me right away, got me an IV and gave me some insulin. As soon as my blood sugar started coming back down, the cramping and bleeding stopped. They also did an ultrasound to make sure everything was ok and sure enough, Baby is just fine.

It was quite the scare and I was pretty shaken, but things are fine now. I'm just a lot more anxious to get home to be closer to friends and family just in case something like that happens when Allan isn't around (not that I'm planning on it!) to help me out. Less than 2 weeks and we'll be back! :)